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The Freedom Habit
Have you ever asked, “What can I do today, so my children will be free tomorrow?” The answer probably is not some grand and daring act. It is more likely a set of small habits, cultivated one day or one week at a time, and maintained for years and decades.
This digest of (mostly) David Rodeback’s thoughts — with links to worthwhile readings elsewhere, with which I may nor may not agree — is dedicated to the conviction that, to survive, freedom requires not only knowledge, but proper habits — hence “The Freedom Habit.” Thus this site, as it grows, will offer the following:
- commentary on lasting principles and the passing scene,
- a citizen’s primer on principles and structures of good government,
- a tutorial on getting involved and doing it effectively, and
- a forum for discussing current events and their implications for freedom and limited government — which discussions I hope you will join.
Here I divide all this into habits so that we don’t forget any of them. All the Study in the world will be impotent if we do not Act. We will often Act foolishly or ineffectively, if we fail to Study, Observe, or Discuss conscientiously. And the scope of our influence, as we Discuss and Act, will be unnecessarily limited if we fail to Report. And I’ve lately added Remember to the list of habits.
I’m not saying that all of these must be daily habits, if we wish to remain free. But the wise citizen will want to attend to each of them regularly, and I propose to help however I can.
This site is practical and theoretical, local and universal, dull and boring . . .
No, wait. I’m trying for captivating, riveting, scintillating, not dull and boring. In a pinch I’ll settle for simply intelligent and civil. And useful, or what’s the point?
Habits of Free People
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